SJM Christian Vision
Sir John Moore School enables children to gain a knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith, which provides the ethos and foundation for the entire school. Children learn in an environment that reflects Christian values, acknowledging and respecting other faith systems, and encouraging children to clarify and develop their own beliefs as they grow and mature.
At our core are the Christian values of:
Reverence, Compassion and Service.
Reverence - "Looking up" - recognising who God is and how wonderful and loving He is. We do this through collective worship, learning about God and Jesus, singing hymns and prayer.
Compassion - "Looking in" - recognising how much God loves us and how he wants us to extend this love to others. We encourage empathy, thinking about putting ourselves in other people's shoes and then prompting action to alleviate sadness and suffering. This could be helping someone when they have fallen over, or listening to a friend when they are upset or need help.
Service- "Looking out" - How we respond to God's love by serving others. This could be in our local community or supporting national or international charities.
We encourage our pupils and school community to think about and look for examples and opportunities to ‘live out’ out Christian Values, outside of school.